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It can be hard to measure the impact of a ministry, especially one that works with vulnerable people whose privacy and dignity needs to be protected. However, many people have stepped forward to share the impact that Jamie & Kim Arpin-Ricci and their ministry has had in their lives. Here are just a few of those stories:“I was a street kid and Little Flowers took me in as a friend and immediately claimed me as a friend. I had nowhere and nothing and they shared their home with me. Their church group saved me from the streets and shared the love of Jesus. They took me off the self harm and gave me friendship. They did so much for me and kept me off drugs with good friendship. I’m glad I have met them!”
-Christopher P.

“Author, activist, and pastor Jamie Arpin-Ricci is a valued friend, an advisor on complex matters of social concern, and a burr under my inherited saddle of privilege and complacency. Jamie insists that the way of Jesus is both counterintuitive and costly and is rather unlikely to bear the marks of success as defined by our suffering-adverse culture. He knows, in his experience, that the way of Jesus is a descent before it is an ascent. And yet, it is this way of kenotic, self-giving love and radical hospitality that finally gives birth to authentic newness out of the decay of history. Everyone should have a Jamie Arpin-Ricci in their life”
-Steve Bell, Singer/Song-Writer/Author

“Every community needs people who have their hearts tuned to those on the margins. People who actively care about and are willing to walk alongside those who need support. Kim and Jamie offer this kind of presence in their corner of Winnipeg.”
Marla Langelotz, Former Pastor at Sargent Avenue Mennonite Church

“As a disabled queer Christian and having to leave a toxic, abusive family, it hasn’t been easy to find supportive people who not only understand me but also accept and value me as a person. Jamie and Kim have helped in practical ways but also in ways that have strengthen and grown my faith. They have often picked up groceries for me, helped me move, checked in and prayed for me during difficult seasons. Through Little Flowers they’ve been able to provide me with financial support through helping me with grocery costs. Little Flowers has also been a very safe and supportive environment for me to grow my faith and participate in interactive discussions. I’ve enjoyed coffee times with Jamie and catching up on each other’s lives. With the continued support of Jamie, Kim and Little Flowers I’m able to finally be in my own apartment and know that support, whether it be a helping hand or a listening ear, is never too far away.”

“I have known Jamie and Kim Arpin-Ricci for approximately 15 years, as they have worked to call people to faith in Jesus Christ, to care for the poor and hurting in very practical ways and as they have worked to build a more just society here in Winnipeg. Jamie and Kim are also very creative and are not afraid to tackle big projects; I have seen them start a bookstore that could function as a gathering place for people in the neighborhood, to start and lead a new church (Little Flowers) in Winnipeg’s West End and work to rehabilitate a burned-out apartment building to provide housing for the under-housed. For many years, our congregation has joyfully provided financial support for Kim and Jamie’s work at Little Flowers.”
-Don Rempel Boschman, Pastor, Douglas Mennonite Church

“During the years i worked closely with Kim & Jamie I was often encouraged to challenge my long held assumptions. Things including biblical interpretations as well as the complexities of poverty, mental health, women’s issues, sexual orientation & gender identity, and so much more. I appreciate the teachings & discussions we had at Little Flowers, during the School of Peace & Justice classes they lead, as well as informally, that helped awaken my awareness to so many social justice needs near and far.”
-Delia Baidoo, Student, School of Peace & Justice

“Jamie Arpin-Ricci is a great speaker and storyteller who has a gift of weaving his personal story and ministry together in an engaging and inspiring way. He offers a powerful message of hope and transformation in the midst of change and challenging circumstances, and reminds us what love and community are truly about. It is a blessing to have a speaker that combines vulnerability and integrity in a way that both touches and inspires us.”
-Russell Mitchell-Walker, Minister, Eastside United Church

“I have looked to Pastor Jamie Arpin-Ricci for support and pastoral care over the last number of years, as I have wrestled with difficult discernment and spiritual questions. He has been a safe place for me as I remain a faithful queer Christian in the Closet. His pastoral care has provided me with; spiritual discernment, prayer, deep listening and guidance for reading and faith based spaces for fellowship. I understand Jamie’s ministry to be ‘outside the doors of the Church’ to those who do not/will not/ could not enter a faith community (or for those like myself, who at times sit uncomfortably there). Winnipeg has few pastors like him and even fewer congregations like Little Flowers, and that is why I remain grateful to all those who support them in any way they are able.”

“Jamie Arpin-Ricci keeps his eyes open and his heart even more so. I have followed his writings for some years now and have been impressed by his ability to see a few steps ahead of the rest of us on this new missional journey. But more than a theological speculator, his spiritual perception is drawn from his deep love for the poor, the marginalized and those ignored by the church.”
-Michael Frost, author of The Shaping of Things to Come 

“My first apartment was in Chiara House, which was run by Little Flowers and which Jamie and Kim had a large part in running. Caring for my parents, coupled with leaving my conservative church after being labelled a “pedophile” for being trans, was really taking a toll on my mental health and they saw my need for my own space in intentional community. Little Flowers, and by extension Jamie and Kim, have become more than just a church for me – they are my family now. Jamie has always made himself available when I needed to talk – and it is such a pleasure to see Kim whenever I make it out to church. If they hadn’t interceded in my life when they did, I would not be here today to write this. #facts”

“Jamie Arpin-Ricci is a thoughtful and challenging pioneer. He is not afraid to go against the status quo or to stand up for his beliefs. He writes well and provocatively and I think has much to say that will both connect to this generation and also challenge them.”
-Christine Sine MD, Executive Director Mustard Seed Associates 

“I have known Kim Arpin-Ricci for many years now and have seen her walk through some of life’s toughest trials, while holding on to deep faith, joy and a strong sense of self. She has so much wisdom to offer and a heart that can hold the world. Kim is a strong leader who is both passionate and compassionate. She is humble of heart, fiercely seeks justice and embraces the mercy of God for herself and others. I fully believe in Kim’s gifts to mentor, encourage and challenge young leaders. What a gift she is to our world.”
-Idelette McVicker, Founder, SheLoves Media Society

“Kim is thoughtful and insightful. She is great at bringing you back into focus and seeing what matters. I trust her wholeheartedly!”
-Laura Everett, Executive Director, Community Roots Resource Centre

“I first met Kim when I was 18 years old, fresh out of school with no idea what I wanted to do with my life. She was one of the first people who saw my potential and believed I could do so much more than I thought I could. Over the years, she has walked with me through some really tough times with grace, generosity, and wisdom. My life is so much richer for having met her!”
-Lindsey Ainsworth

“When Kim served as my mentor, she was a safe space to share, not only thoughts, questions, and ideas, but also myself with her. Gracious, gentle, and thoughtful, her responses to even the big life questions were and are gracious and wise. She helped me grow as a person and as a Christian. Anyone would be lucky to have her at their side.”
-Crystal Woodward

“The School of Peace and Justice impacted me at a critical time in my life. After graduating from university and getting married, my husband and I were craving a time away to more deeply understand how our passion for justice intersects with our faith in Christ. Under the discipleship of Kim and Jamie, we found just that. Kim and Jamie are so very obviously passionate about the work they do, about hospitality, and about challenging young people to step outside their comfort zone into corners of their faith they may not have explored yet. I will always treasure the time I had here and know it has shaped me more into the kind of person God wants me to be.”
-Laura Phillips, Student, School of Peace & Justice

“The School of Peace & Justice was an experience that I’ll never forget. It challenged me to see beyond my bias and to be open to the tension of the now and not-yet of the Kingdom of God. The curriculum, guest speakers and community of the SOPJ has formed me into a person that takes seriously the call of the prophet Micah, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Kim and Jamie are two ordinary radicals who take the teachings of Jesus seriously. I still have a lot to learn, but I’m grateful I had the opportunity to be discipled by them.”
-Cameron Phillips, Student, School of Peace & Justice

“Kim and Jamie really helped me understand what Christianity looks like practically. The small amount of time I spent with them both in 2012 really helped shape how I look at community, discipleship ,and church in a positive way. Creating spaces and being welcoming and accepting of others.”
-Samantha Wilson, Justice Exposure participant